Betty teaches you the importance of keeping your OFFLINE identity separate from your ONLINE identity

Cyber Defender & Clubhouse Supervisor
Betty learned the hard way about sharing too much information online when rumors she had spread through her online blog upset some of her friends. Since then she has made it her goal to educate everyone about what information is inappropriate or unsafe to share online to prevent others from getting hurt.
As a Cyber Defender, Betty focuses on the most important information you should never share online, your offline identity.
A stumble may prevent a fall
- English Proverb
Tea and crumpets
Interests:Chatting, macrame, collecting teacups
June 24 2009
Summer Vacation
My husband and I are going to take a lengthy trip to Europe this summer for our anniversary.
I love taking a trip somewhere exotic every once in a while, just to purge my mind of all the stress and rejuvenate. I also love visiting different parts of the world to see how their daily lives differ from our own. Like the 2-hour lunch breaks in Europe, long enough to enjoy a large meal and even a small nap before getting back to work. Sometimes I wish we did that at the Academy!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
May 18 2009
Dana's Slip-up
Unfortunately our Dana was duped by the recent Cyber Villain attack. Lucky for her, we caught it early enough that it doesn't look like they were able to cause much damage to her identity. But to be on the safe side, she's going to stay out of cyberspace for a while.
While my heart goes out to the poor girl, unfortunately she and I both know that this couldn't have happened without her revealing something she shouldn't have. Dana has a problem with trusting people too easily, especially people in cyberspace. The Dis Guys took advantage of that last year and now it's gotten her into more trouble this year.
If she's ever going to become a Cyber Defender, she's going to have to learn to be more cautious with other people.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
April 2 2009
The Clubhouse Tea Party
Both the girls, Jax and Erika, were with me in the Clubhouse when Dr. Keen's attack was initiated. It was actually kind of fun pretending I didn't know what was going on. We ended up playing cards and having a tea party in my office while we waited for the network to come back up.
Since we were trapped in cyberspace we had a different experience than the rest of the Academy. Emergency protocol says that if something happens while you are in cyberspace and you are within the firewall, after ensuring that you are in a secure location you are to stay put and wait for contact from the Cyber Defenders. We don't want panicked people wandering off through unsecure parts of cyberspace. They could alert cyber criminals to our weaknesses pretty quickly. Now, if the firewall had actually come down, it would have been a totally different story...
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
March 27 2009
I tell you, cadets, I heaved the biggest sigh of relief when I heard that Elvirus and Ms. Information were in the Detention Center. We've been after them for a long time, and the damage they've done to cyberspace over the years has been pretty significant. Now with them behind bars, the Internet is a little bit safer. I can sleep just a wee bit better at night.
I have to say, I'm so proud of the Cyber Defenders! Keep up the great work, gang!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
February 20 2009
I have to say I'm very impressed with Miss Jax. I've been working with her on the cyber bullying forum site project and she is performing well above my expectations. She is a keen and eager worker and is very dedicated to her new cause. She would make a dynamite Cyber Defender if she ever chose that path.
We're currently working on the site structure. Jax is being especially careful to make sure everything is taken into account. She really wants this site to be a safe and friendly place so we're putting extra care into its planning. I might enlist the help of Erika in designing how the site will look. I have an inkling that she and Jax would make a great team.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
December 17 2008
Safe Blogging Training Complete
I am happy to report that everyone has successfully completed the Safe Blogging Training! Starting January 12th, all suspensions will be lifted from the Cadet blogs, and any new cadets who would like a blog of their own can work with Dr. Keen to set one up.
Just a reminder, all comments on the blogs will be disabled for security reasons, and no Cadet is allowed to have a photo of themselves on their blog. If you would like to share your blog with another cadet, you will need special permission from Commander Omni.
Congratulations, cadets!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
November 19 2008
Cyber Bullying Forum
Ever since Jax returned to the Detention Center, she's been a different gal. I always knew she had a sweet, considerate side but she'd been hiding it behind her "cyber bully" identity for so long, I was worried she might never come back to herself. Last year's events really opened her eyes and she's turned a new leaf.
Jax recently came to me with an idea to develop a cyber bullying forum where people can talk about their cyber bullying experiences and discuss strategies and solutions together. She thinks one of the reasons she turned to cyber bullying was because she was painfully shy and didn't know how else to relate to people. She'd like this forum to be a place where both bullies and victims can share how bullying makes them feel, so that everyone can learn how to treat people better.
It'll be a big challenge to make sure the forum is a safe, friendly environment and that people behave themselves, especially since cyber bullying is such a touchy subject. Jax is very dedicated to this project, and I think her passion will help her overcome those challenges. I'm very pleased to help her develop such a great tool.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
November 10 2008
Safe Blogging Training
As part of this year's new security policy, all cadets are required to complete Safe Blogging Training before they can have an Academy blog. Cadets who had blogs last year are not allowed to resume posting until they have completed the training. While the security risks with last year's blogs were minimal, the Academy faculty felt that with cyber villains still at large and able to access the blogs it would be best if everyone had a refresher course on what is and isn't safe to post.
Officer Ward and I have been conducting the training sessions and we are both very pleased with the cadets. There were initial complaints when people found out that they weren't allowed to access their blogs, but everyone agreed that their security was much more important.
Dana even suggested that everyone have a "bloggy buddy," a friend who will keep an eye on their blog and tell them if something is risky, because we need to watch out for our friends and help keep them safe, too.
I am going to ask Commander Omni if she can add this to the official security policy.
So far, it looks like everyone is on track to have their blogs back in the Spring!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
June 27 2008
As I was going through the rubble I found some photos of students when they attended all the parties and dances we used to host here. Some of the pictures go all the way back to the founding of the school. Ah, they bring back memories. I’ll ask Omni about the possibility of posting some of the faculty’s pictures.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
June 17 2008
Cleaning Up
The Clubhouse is a mess. If I didn't know better I would have thought Ex-Commander Nils blew up the place. How could he have done so much damage in so little time?
At least Commander Omni kicked all the students out so we have a chance to repair it before classes start. It will also give me the chance to make some upgrades. We need a better space for holding parties and dances.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
May 29 2008
Cut Off
The battle is at an end. I no longer have to sit in an office and watch the communication traffic. I went by the Clubhouse today. The place is a wreck. Nils certainly did a number on it when he realized that Dr. Keen's equipment wasn't actually there. It's going to be a couple of months before I get the place repaired and running again. At least summer is just around the corner.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
May 15 2008
Results of Teamwork
The Cyber Villains keep falling right into the traps that the cadets set for them. I am still performing tweaks to the communication system, changing algorithms and ensuring our conversations are safe. But from the messages rolling through I can see how much our teamwork is paying off. We could never have gotten this far without everyone's support.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
May 12 2008
First Victory
We've taken out our first Cyber Villain. Maya help cripple M.C. Spammer today. He was still stunned by the reversed denial of service attack Carlo had set up for him. Seeing Maya at work made me realize how much that girl needs to get out of the office. She was flawless in her execution of the trap.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
May 6 2008
Manning the Post
I've been stuck with making sure that communication passes from the Defenders to the cadets safely and securely. Dr. Keen's new system is working perfectly. I was pretty worried today. Messages were flying as the first set of Cyber Villains came in to attack. I had to manually push some messages through. I see why they wanted someone making sure that everything gets through.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
April 24 2008
Having Fun
With all the tension from expecting the next Cyber Villain attack, everyone is getting a bit grumpy. So I decided to put together one last party. It's a bit of a risk, but everyone needs to blow off some steam, right?
The party will be on May 1st. This time there is no lesson plan. Let's just get together and have some fun while we still can.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
April 18 2008
Lines of Communication
I've been talking to Commander Omni about our plans for communication during the upcoming battle. We decided to have everyone use a piece of software Dr. Keen created for us. It's like an instant messenger, but only cadets and Cyber Defenders can use it.
I will be managing the system from inside the Clubhouse. We've tested the program stringently and doubt the Cyber Villains will be able to crack it.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
April 10 2008
I've been doing my own thinking about how I can do my part in the battle. I was never much of a fighter. So I've been asking Ward to drop by and give me sparring lessons. Several of the cadets have since joined me and now it's almost an official sport.
If you want to do your part in the final battle, join me after class for a little sparring session. We will find the strength in true teamwork.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
April 3 2008
Coordinating Efforts
Now I know things look grim out there. We have six Cyber Villains getting ready to break into this place (Nils, Elvirus, Ms. Information, M. C. Spammer and the DisGuys). But now is not the time to panic. We can beat them all with your help.
Maya is currently working on a database that includes Nils and the rest of the Cyber Villains. If you haven't seen her already, drop by and let her know about anything that you think might be relevant in our fight against these foes.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
March 27 2008
Counseling for Alan
While it seems like Alan is adjusting well after his month in Cyber Villain custody, he isn't really. He's more shaken up by the things he saw while he was there than he will admit.
I know everyone is really excited to hear what his experiences were, but I would like to ask all of you to give Alan some time to work through what happened to him.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
March 24 2008
Operation Success!
The operation was a complete success. Not only were we able to extract Alan without having to confront any of the major Cyber Villains, but we walked off with a ton of valuable information on them as a bonus.
It's doubtful we would have been able to pull things off this smoothly without everyone's help. And that includes Sparky and Jax. They were key to knowing what we were getting into once we reached the inside of the base.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
March 20 2008
Help from Alan
From the reports the students are passing me, it is becoming more and more obvious that Alan is trying to help us find him. Alan isn't able to give a whole lot of information for fear of being caught, but the pieces he's been sending us are slowly building into a picture. We should be able to locate him shortly.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
March 4 2008
Managing Communications
Communication is a big thing on a job like this. It's a lot of responsibility, but don't worry. I will make Commander Omni proud. A large number of students have expressed a desire to help us in our search for Alan. I've asked Carlo to help manage them, so Maya and I aren't flooded with reports.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
February 26 2008
Chat Logs
Omni asked me to go through Alan's chat logs after his disappearance. It seems like he's been corresponding with a secret underground society for months now. Alan's a smart kid, and he tried to look into them to make sure that it was safe to talk to them, but the group was even smarter. They slowly built up his trust in them before asking him to make that fatal mistake of leaving campus.
They make reference to a place where they like to meet together in the real world. I don't have enough information to know where it is, but it's a start. Don't worry, Alan. I'll figure out where you are.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
February 18 2008
Being Useful
You don't regain trust overnight. You have to earn it. So I've been running around trying to be useful to people. You'd be surprised at the misunderstandings that develop when people don't talk face to face. Even with email, people need to see each other in the flesh to know what the other person means.
So, I've been arranging meetings between people. Whenever it seems like a misunderstanding is about to develop I get both parties in a room. If I can't do that, I mediate a meeting online in a secured chat room.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
February 13 2008
Meeting my Husband
With Valentine's Day coming up I am reminded of the day I met my husband. I was a young cadet at the Academy. That year we invited a local school to join us for Valentine's Day. At the dance, I saw him, this handsome kid, watching me from across the dance floor. The whole dance passed, and he never found the courage to ask me or any of the other girls to dance. But as they were leaving he asked if he could walk me home.
He was so nervous he stuttered when he talked, but my heart was stolen. From that day on he always showed up at the school to walk me home. My childhood sweetheart.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
February 4 2008
Repairing Relationships
I've been working hard trying to repair the damage done by my thoughtless gossip. Everyone here is being so kind to me, but I know they don't trust me anymore. The only person who acts the same towards me is Commander Omni. No wonder she is our commander. She believes in the best in people. How could I have thought otherwise?
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
January 23 2008
I was wrong to accuse Commander Omni like I did. Because Omni and Ward were keeping her history with Nils a secret I assumed the worst. Now that I've had the chance to talk to Omni about it I feel much better about the choices she's made. And she's been working harder than all of us to recapture Nils. I've decided to work harder at finding the truth of things before I start gossiping about the rumors I overhear.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
January 17 2008
Serious Talk
Commander Omni stopped by my office today to have a serious talk. She's disturbed by what she's been reading on my blog. She wants to explain things to me.
She admits that what Nils said about her and him being partners was true. That back then, everyone was filled with ideas about what the Internet could become. But Nils wanted to take things too far. Omni tried to change his mind, but Nils was already on the path to becoming the Master Hacker. Omni could do nothing. And while Omni still does support the sharing of ideas and information on the Internet, she doesn't support stealing that information from others. People have a right to secrets, and Omni is willing to fight to defend those secrets.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
January 11 2008
Are these Attacks Real?
I've learned too much to stand aside and stop asking questions. I've been looking through the records, and it's true that Commander Omni has been pushing for greater freedom of information on the Internet.
I find myself wondering if she and Nils aren't still working together, just like in the old days. Is that why our security is so full of holes?
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
December 18 2007
Omni's Dark Secret
This is what Nils told me.
A long time ago, Commander Omni used to be Ex-Commander Nils' partner. They would often talk about the future of the Internet. It was Commander Omni that got Nils thinking about becoming the Master Hacker. They both agreed that the Internet should be free and open to everyone. That the Cyber Defense Force was restricting the Internet too much. They created elaborate plans for how they would change things. He said Commander Omni was working toward the exact same goal that he was.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
December 12 2007
Commander Omni must have gotten wind that I've been asking around about her past. She politely asked me to stop. She told me that no good would come of sharing what I've learned. What Nils told me must be true!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
December 6 2007
New Source
I've been digging around trying to find the specifics on Commander Omni's dark secret. Ward is keeping his mouth closed. Maya and Keen have never heard of it. And I'm certainly not going to ask Commander Omni herself. So that leaves me one last source, Ex-Commander Nils.
He told me a story, but I'm not sure how much of it is true. I need to do some fact checking before I go public with this.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
November 30 2007
Did you hear?
I was in the Detention Center delivering some lunch to Officer Ward, when I overheard him talking to Ex-Commander Nils. It seems that Commander Omni has a dark secret in her past. I wanted to learn more, but Ward cut the conversation off when he saw me.
I'm going to have to do some digging around.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
November 14 2007
When M.C. Spammer attacked I didn't know what to do. I feel so useless. I was so scared! I should have been able to do more. Maybe Carlo wouldn't have gotten injured if I had just been able to help in the fight...
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
November 7 2007
Inappropriate Relationships
Cadets should not date. After seeing the way Alan and Dana were acting at the Halloween Ball I wanted to go talk to them about their recent behaviors. They should be setting an example for the younger cadets. Omni stopped me before I could reach them. She told me to let them be. That sometimes love will strengthen a team.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
October 29 2007
Secret Identities
My costume arrived in the mail today, but I'm not going to tell you what it is! Think of Halloween as being a bit like being in an online game. You are dressed up as someone you are not, and the others have equally hidden identities.
How do you determine who your friends are? How do you keep your true identity safe? A little something to think about as the Ball approaches.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
October 25 2007
Surprise Contest
For everyone coming to the Halloween Ball this year, I have an announcement to make. I am going to be running a secret contest during the ball. If you do well, you will earn a prize at the end of the day, otherwise you might have to report to Commander Omni for some extra training! Just think of this as a little test of mine.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
October 15 2007
Party Planning
I just love holidays. I get the chance to create a ravishing party for all my friends and family. Halloween is one of my favorites. When else can you decorate with jack-o-lanterns and black roses?
Commander Omni has asked me to make the arrangements for this year's Halloween Ball. I can't wait. I've got ideas that are going to blow you away!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
September 5 2007
Orientation Success
I'm so proud! I watched the girls at orientation and I must say everyone was pleased. Once they set aside their differences and started working as a team, everything just came together. Erika entertained while Dana presented all the information the new cadets needed to know. Everyone walked away satisfied.
I am very proud of my girls. I hope this summer proved a useful lesson to them.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
September 4 2007
Welcome Back!
School has officially begun and the halls are filled with voices both familiar and new. I want to say welcome back to my old friends and hello to the new.
We have some truly amazing cadets joining us this year and I am eager to see what they will accomplish during their stay here. Good luck in your studies everyone!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
August 30 2007
Orientation Jitters
I stopped by to see the girls and they were as jittery as colts! I told them they were going to do great. I'd seen what they'd accomplished this summer and just knew that it was going to be a huge success if they worked together.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
August 22 2007
The girls came in with their separate orientation plans. Both plans were cunningly done but each missed what the other had done. The perfect orientation would be the two plans combined. The girls protested but I insisted. I think we have a hit on our hands!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
June 15 2007
The girls are getting off to a rocky start. We haven’t even begun the project and they are already fighting. I tried to get them to reconcile but it’s going to take more then a few light words from me before they see that they need each other. So strange, since they were best friends before.
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
June 11 2007
Summer Project List to be Released
I just heard from Commander Omni that the summer project list is going to be released later today so just keep refreshing that News page! I've seen the projects that made the cut and, boy, am I proud. There are some stellar projects happening this year. I'm even going to advise for one. So, congrats everyone!
posted by Betty
topics: Miscellaneous
May 22 2007
Hello Hello
Hey everyone! My name is Betty. I am in charge of the Clubhouse in cyberspace and teaching our cadets about how to keep their personal information safe when they are online. I'm pretty excited about summer coming around the corner. It is my favorite time of the year with all the barbeques to go to!