About Me:

My name is Dana and Science is my favorite subject. I'm also really big on protecting the environment. After all it's the only one we've got! I have a horse named Bubbles and a fish named Francis.

Favorite Quote:

If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart
- Buddha

Favorite Food:

Bean and cheese burritos


Volunteering, animals, nature, physics, biology, chemistry

Flower Image
Erika About Me:

My name is Erika and Art is my favorite subject. I like painting, making sculptures and designing web pages like this one! I also love any kind of puzzle: jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word games, trivia, you name it! I have a Parrot named Franklin Delano.

Favorite Quote:

Every artist was at first an amateur
- Ralph W. Emerson

Favorite Food:

Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches


Art, games, puzzles, trivia

Tree Frog Image

January 26 2009

Bloggy Buddies List and Guidelines

Okay everyone! Thanks for coming to the Bloggy Buddies meeting last Friday. I think it went really well. As promised, here’s the list of this semester’s Bloggy Buddies:

The guidelines are pretty simple. As a Bloggy Buddy, you are required to check every post that your Buddy publishes. If anything is a bit too revealing or shares personal information, you must discuss it with your Buddy immediately and decide together if the post needs to be altered or taken down. If you’re unsure, talk to Betty about it. Basically, you watch each other's backs and keep each other safe.

As Commander Omni said, this semester is an experiment to see how successful Bloggy Buddies are. If it goes well, it will be officially added to the Cadet Blog requirements for next semester.

posted by Dana

January 22 2009

A Little Bummed

Well I guess Alexi is going to be Maya’s assistant this semester. Oh well. I’m a little disappointed the faculty didn’t select me because I wanted to be more useful at the Academy this semester. Maybe there’s something else I can help out with around here. Anyone need a Web site designed?

posted by Erika

January 15 2009

So nice to have the blog back

Wow, for me Safe Blogging Training was a bit of an eye-opener. It made me realize that even if you're not sharing personal information, you can still be putting yourself at risk just by sharing too much information. The way that Dana and I were airing all of our arguments and dirty laundry on the blog left us wide open for the Dis Guys to swoop in and become our new "friends." Our fighting made us weak, and blogging about it gave the Dis Guys all the information they needed to further pry us apart.

I really should know better than to turn away from my real-life friends in favor of my Internet friends. After all, you're never really 100% sure of who you're talking to in cyberspace. I've definitely learned my lesson about keeping online and offline friends separate and knowing which is more important.

posted by Erika

January 13 2009

Hooray! We have our blog back!

I feel SO much better about blogging now that we've completed Safe Blogging Training, and I am SO glad we have our blog back! My mother reads my blog. It's our way of keeping in touch while I'm at the Academy. That's how she first found out about Alan, and she even invited him to go skiing with us over Winter break.

She said last year was a bit nerve-wracking, reading about how Erika and I were fighting so much, Mordred and Hyde (a.k.a the Dis Guys!), the Cyber Villain attacks, and Alan's disappearance. But she said it was even more frustrating last semester when we weren't able to post at all!

posted by Dana