About Me:

My name is Alan and I'm a gamer. I can beat almost any game in no time, and I'll pwn anyone in a head-to-head challenge, just ask Carlo! I also have mad programming skillz and a pet alien named Zwert.

Favorite Quote:

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will
- Mahatma Gandhi

Favorite Food:



Video games, sci-fi, coding


September 14 2009

Erika has Psychic Powers?

Before we went to the movies last Friday, I stopped by Erika's room to ask her if she was sure she couldn't go. I expected her to complain about her workload, but instead she just shrugged it off and said she didn't have time.

As I was saying goodbye, she said, "Hey, enjoy the movie! I know you'll love the part when Commander Xurk fixes the gravity stabilizer. It was so cool!"

That's pretty low. Just because you can't enjoy the movie doesn't mean you have to spoil it for me. Wait a did she know what would happen?

posted by Alan

September 10 2009

Welcome Back Everyone!

Man it's great to have everyone back! I even saw Carlo running through the halls trying to find Officer Ward. Man, can that guy move! I tried to catch up with him, but all I got for my efforts was a sweaty school uniform and a pain in my side. Guess I need to up my Constitution Score!

Dana, Alexi and I are going to see the premier of "Space Commander Xurk" next week. It's going to be awesome! I'm such a rabid fanboy - I mean, I've got the comics, I've got the figures (still sealed in their original boxes, mind you)! We asked Erika to come along but she mumbled something about working on a special project for Dr. Keen and stormed off. It's too bad, but hey, we've all got stuff to deal with! I'll see if I can hunt Carlo down so Alexi doesn't feel like a third wheel.

posted by Alan