Commander Omni

News Archives:.

Announcing a New Blog

The Digital Environment

August 29, 2008 - We would like to announce the addition of a new faculty blog to the Academy Web site,
The Digital Environment, hosted by Message Center supervisor Trey.

The Internet has changed our world dramatically, and not always for the better. Trey’s new blog will feature environmental issues related to computers and the Internet and tips for “green” computing practices, so be sure to check it out.

Welcome, Cadets!

August 25, 2008 - To our returning cadets and our new recruits, welcome to a new year at the Academy! I hope everyone had safe and relaxing summers and is refreshed and ready to begin studies. This week is orientation for the new cadets, and we will have a campus Labor Day picnic on Monday. Classes begin next Tuesday, September 2nd.

New recruits please stop by my office for your orientation packets before visiting the dormitories. Returning cadets please stop by my office as well, we have some important updated security policies in light of last year's activity that you will need to review.