About Me:

My name is Alan and I'm a gamer. I can beat almost any game in no time, and I'll pwn anyone in a head-to-head challenge, just ask Carlo! I also have mad programming skillz and a pet alien named Zwert.

Favorite Quote:

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will
- Mahatma Gandhi

Favorite Food:



Video games, sci-fi, coding


July 8, 2010

Wait, what?

Back in time? Seriously? What’s next, a zombie invasion? Bah. I miss the simpler times. I miss back when it was just me, my friends, my teachers and an intelligent robot. Oh, and my pet alien. Yep, simpler times.

So we’ve been working on a plan to catch the Bad Hatter, but it’s pretty tough. I mean, how do you catch someone (something?) that can alter reality? The old cadets have been really helpful. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised – these students are now our teachers! I just wish we had better equipment to work with.

posted by Alan